Hi! I'm Patrice McCabe, my husband Kevin and I own and operate a television
production company called
MPI producing
outdoor television for the past 20+ years. Some of you may know the TV show
Addictive Fishing Television, it's a rod bendin' drag screamin' saltwater fishing show that's been airing
on the Discovery Channel and Fox Sports. Over the years we've traveled to many
beautiful places around the country fishing, filming and working.

We set out as a small television production company following our dream of
making it big with our fishing TV show. Our plan was to travel to coastal
saltwater states, bringing our television show to tradeshows, boat shows and
any gathering of fishermen to spread the word about Addictive Fishing.
The plan sounded good, but I had to ask, "How are we going to get to all of
these places, bring our tradeshow booth, sell goods, and film episodes?" My
husband's response, "let's get an RV!"

Let me clarify . . . the one thing I've always admired and loved about my
husband is his blind faith and fearlessness to try something no one else has
ever tried before. This is also the one thing that scares the ever-living
daylights out of me. I'm a conservative, work hard, follow the rules kind of
girl. My response: "We've never even been in an RV! What do we know about RVs?
How much do those things even cost? How are we going to drive it? Are you
insane?!" Long story short, we sat down with several local RV dealers and
shared with them our plan to travel, market and promote our television show,
our advertisers products, as well as an RV partner. We had one brave dealer
willing to give us a shot and that's where our love of life on the road, in an
RV, all began.

In 2005, we turned a 38 foot RV into a traveling billboard, theater, editing
suite, film studio, crew accommodations, tackle shop and food truck for the
next 5 years. She traveled from Florida to Maryland, to Texas, Louisiana, the
Carolinas and every state in between. The plan worked too! We grew the
recognition we needed to obtain more advertisers, put together better deals
and ultimately put our TV show on a national network.
15 years later, we're still going strong on the Discovery Channel and Fox
Sports, but we had to say goodbye to our trusted motor coach. She worked hard
for us for many years and had earned her retirement. However, our love for the
road and RV life had not left us so we traded in the 38 footer for a 26

We have a new life adventure and television project in front of us and we
can't wait to share it with you. Buckle up, pick a favorite song to play and
crank up the volume . . . we're going on a road trip!
Stick around, there's more to come.
RV There Yet?